Friday, July 20, 2012


At the very source of existence, the is only One. Hashem, us, creation. As the directives of Hashem make their way into this 3D projection of our dimension, the One white light disburses into a spectrum of colors, flowing down to us in the form of "mazalos," energy directives that contain the key to our individual destinies - strengths and weaknesses.

The "prism that breaks down the light is the point where the origin of differentiation from Oneness to fragmentation begins.

An astrologer is someone who looks up to that point and then reads the mazalos (flowing energies into this world) that you may not be sensitive to and tells you what is likely to be.

There is another level that connects the world of Oneness with the dimension of mazalos from which this energy flows. This comes into our 3D realm of projection as as astrological signs.

If one wishes a "mazal tov" and means "good luck," this may be considered a form of idolatry because it cuts off the flow of the mazalos from its original source, the oneness of Hashem.
Why does the Torah use the name "elohim acherim?" Why dignify idolotry by using same name as Hashem [elokim]? Because they are..... Idolatry is not going to a false place. It channels a real place. That's why the Torah deals with it as though it is real.

 What is Idolatry?  An idolator is someone who looks to the same place. But they stop at the point of differentiation and look no further up to the source because he only wants to "goods"

Rav Simcha Wasserman once gave an example: A man walks into a camera store. Sees a camera for $1500. Only has $150. Whispers to the man behind the counter ,"You slip me the camera and I'll slip you $150.

An idolator goes to the forces of nature running the "departments" because he is interested in the goods being delivered. He doesn't care about who runs the overall business. That's got nothing to do with him.

An idolator is willing to "pay". But only a fraction of the real "price." Hashem wants you to pay with every breath and bit of your existence in this world and the next. The idolator is only willing to pay a small fraction to get the goods delivered. But not willing to give of himself.

Why do idol worshipers worship a god of war, love, fertility...? Because they channel the things they need. They want to control their own destiny. They don't need a G-D who created the universe. This takes away power from the individual.

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